Lingothbhavar Sculpture
Accordingly, ANCIENT MONUMENT means any structure, erection or monument or any tumulus or place of interment or any cave rock sculptures, inscriptions or monolith, which is of historical, archaeological or artistic interest and which has been in existence for not less than one hundred years, and includes:
- 1. The remains of an ancient monument.
- 2. The site of an ancient monument.
- 3. Such portion of a land adjoining the site of an ancient monument as may be required for fencing or covering in or otherwise preserving such monument.
- 4. The gardens, if any and
- 5. The means of access to, and convenient inspection of an ancient monument.
But does not include any ancient or historical monument declared by or under law made by parliament to be of national importance. Tamil Nadu State had so far declared 85 monuments for the protection and preservation under the above Act.
For declaring a place as a monument, the historical interest is decided with the help of its artistic workmanship and the styles it depicts. For example, if it is a temple its antique value is understood with the help of the inscriptions and sculptures it carries.
After finishing the formalities of declaration, the Department will take necessary steps to protect and preserve it by using archaeological principles and conservation methods. Conservation is a concept, which includes preservation and restoration. Thus by providing better conservation and preservation so as to extend the life of the building, the message of our ancestors can be passed on to the next generation.